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Cities in Australia

Cities In Australia

If you’re reading this, you may have been considering which cities to study in Australia.

By comparing some of the key factors, we hope it gives you a sense of which city may be ideal to live in.


Living CostRelatively high living costs in terms of rent and school fees
ClimateKnown to have ‘4 seasons in 1 day’, remember to bring an umbrella with you!
Student Population164,000 International Students
AttractionsTrendy cafes, rooftop bars, numerous hiking trails, art galleries and beautiful beaches


Living CostRelatively High
ClimateRegularly bright blue, sunny skies
Student Population193,000 International Students
AttractionsWorld-famous beaches, over 100km of national parks and thriving nightlife


Living CostModerate
ClimateMediterranean climate, the sunniest city in Australia with blue skies 70% of the year
Student Population36,000 International Students
AttractionsBeaches with white sand and crystal-clear waters; endless stunning coastlines and picturesque beaches


Living CostModerate
ClimateAlways sunny and never too cold in winter
Student Population78,000 International Students
AttractionsBustling with Theme parks, beaches and sporting events


Living CostModerate
ClimateAlways sunny and never too cold in winter
Student Population12,000 International Students
AttractionsNature reserves and man-made lake right in the city


Living CostRelatively Low
ClimateHot summer and chilly winters
Student Population25,000 International Students
AttractionsGreat wineries, festivals and events


Living CostRelatively Low
ClimateAs it is an island, the weather is just generally cool especially closer to the coasts.
Student Population6,000 International Students
AttractionsMany renown attractions including “wineglass bay” and one of the best places to see the southern lights (aurora) in Australia


Living CostRelatively Low
ClimateBalmy nights, perfect for outdoor adventures
Student Population2,000 International Students
AttractionsRange of activities from Asian food markets, crocodile encounters to open-air movies and sunset cruises

This is just a general comparison between the various cities but to find more specific information, please send us a message through the online chat and our staff from Australia will answer your questions.