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Scholarship Availability

1 Million


scholarship worth to be

given by institution globally

30% Partial


up to 30% tuition fee waiver

Chat with us to find out your eligibility

1 in 2 Offered


value range $100 to $10,000

for your tuition fee and living expenses

What is a scholarship?


Scholarships are financial aid awards designed to help students pay for college. Sometimes a scholarship is a one-time check. Scholarships are different from education or study loans which are repayable upon completion and accumulates interest. Scholarships are gifts that do not require repayment.

Am I eligible for scholarships?


There are a few factors that universities take into consideration:

  • Academic background
  • Personal statement/Experience
  • Interview (if applicable)
  • Nationality
  • Financial status

Are there Scholarships available for international students?


Some universities offer scholarships for international students; however, they are often of lower value as compared to those for domestic students.

What do full and partial scholarships offer?


The coverage or scholarship offerings vary from one another. Scholarship offerings may provide you with tuition fees discount of various percentage (out of the total tuition fees), waiver for processing and amenities fees, lab fees and many more.

Generally, full tuition fees cover tuition and fees, but also books, room and board, supplies, and sometimes even living expenses. Some awards also cover the costs of the study abroad program. Make sure to read the scholarship offer carefully as this will help you in planning ahead for your budgeting.

How can I apply for a scholarship?


In most cases, universities grant the scholarship automatically by checking students background and academic history. However, scholarships that are higher in value may require additional documents (written essays) or conduct interviews.

We have a list of scholarships available based on your desired course under the Scholarships tab. Alternatively, contact your nearest AUG office!

When do I apply for scholarships?


This depends on the terms of the scholarship. Some scholarships have strict deadlines and some scholarships are available throughout the intakes and semesters.

Do read the scholarship terms and conditions carefully. Some scholarships do not have a deadline and require an application. For example, you will be automatically considered prior to admission if you have met the requirements for tuition fee discounts, amenities fee waivers, amongst others.

What happens if I change courses?


Each scholarship terms and conditions differ from one another. However, generally, most scholarships are not transferable from one course or institution to another. Do enquire before changing courses and institutions if you currently hold a scholarship.

Besides that, some scholarships require you to maintain a certain grade or attendance during your semester, if not met, your scholarship awarded might be revoked. It is always important to maintain the needed requirements especially if this is your only source of financial aid.

Can I still apply for other financial assistance or loans?


Generally, the award of full scholarships does not allow the application of other financial assistance. Some partial scholarships may allow additional financial assistance such as education loans, you may apply for a lower loan amount from PTPTN (if in Malaysia) or any other loan providers.

Alternatively, you can also consider bank loans offered by your local banks. Be sure to check your scholarship entitlement and terms and conditions, some scholarships offered do not allow additional financial assistance such as the loans mentioned above.

Send us
your enquiry

Scholarships from universities are generally giveaway awards, and you do not need to pay back or be tied in a contract when you graduate.

Each year, there are many scholarships available that aim to provide financial assistance to international students studying globally.

The process is easy, you do not need to take an extra examination. Just send us an enquiry and we will guide you through.


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